National Rookie Lifeguard Festivals have been happening up and down the UK this year with Festivals in Derbyshire, Edinburgh, Troon, Retford, Leeds and Bovey Tracey. The latest National Rookie Lifeguard Festival, in Aberdeen was a great success, with 9 teams and 36 children competing in various events which tested the Rookies lifesaving skills. The Sport Aberdeen mascot McMurtle the Turtle paid a visit and organiser Graham Dutton is keen to make it an annual event.

A message from organiser Graham Dutton

“I would like to thank all those for their help and support and emphasises that the day couldn’t have gone ahead if it wasn’t for Murray Robb, Cults sport staff and the coaches/teachers from the clubs/lessons. Cult Sports Complex provided the pool and staff time free of charge and Rookies were given goodie bags which were generously donated from local companies and charities.”

If you are interested in turning your Rookie Festival into a National Rookie Lifeguard Festival, or want to know if there is a National Rookie Lifeguard Festival happening near you contact [email protected] for further details and information on the support RLSS UK can provide.