In the Summer I had the chance to attend an Urban Search and Rescue Event in Germany with eleven Wells Life Saving Club Members. The kids had the chance to learn some fantastic skills including rescuing from heights and breaking and breaching whilst working with an amazing group of Germans.

Four other countries also attended the 10-day event – Turkey, Iceland, Romania and Russia which culminated in the kids being deployed to an simulated earthquake complete with casualties to rescue from tunnels and trains!

The event has made the short-list for the audience vote of the German Helping Hand Awards so please could I ask you to cast a vote for this project. These kind of events rely on funding and this award could really help it to continue for many years.

Voting information is in German and in case you can’t translate the page into English, go to the very bottom of the page and vote for the ‘Rescue workers of tomorrow’ (Die Katastrophenhelfer von morgen). The voting button is below the picture and having voted you need to enter and subsequently confirm your email address.