Craig Spears is a Rookie Festival Organiser from Nottinghamshire.

First joined Retford and District Lifesaving Club when he was 8, since then has competed locally and internationally, teaching at the club since 14. Along with others, restructuring the deliver of the Rookie Lifeguard program at the club, which saw overseeing 30 Rookies across 3 teaching groups. At university, despite studying at Oxford Brookes, joined the Oxford University club where he captained the club for 2 years, updating the qualifications of other coaches for the Survive and Save program. Competing and judging (Not at the same time) at BULSCA university competitions. Now, with Colwick Park Lifeguard Club teaching weekly at the club and volunteering at events which they provide Lifeguard cover for. Whilst still having some involvement with the Retford Club.