Elections - have your say! It’s time to have your say and your views matter to the future of your personal involvement with the organisation! Lee Heard, Charity Director at RLSS UK explains why the elections are so important: "The 2022 election process is already underway with lots of fantastic members putting themselves forward to become part of our Board of Trustees. Candidates are now sharing their video submissions with you and campaigning for your vote. RLSS UK will be sharing each candidate’s campaign with you on our website and also via social media. We have three vacancies on the Board to elect this year - two Trustee positions and one Deputy President and these roles will pay a critical part in reflecting your views. Trustees play a vital role in shaping the direction of our organisation, responding to trends and external environments and also taking the organisation in the direction that supports members and the public. You can have your say and cast your vote between Thursday 22 September and 5pm on Thursday 13 October. This year we want to ensure that every single eligible member of RLSS UK engages and takes the opportunity to have their say. You are the future of RLSS UK and casting your vote means that you have the opportunity to help the charity reach our goal of giving everyone the opportunity to enjoy water safely. Please take the time to review the candidates campaigns and use your vote to make sure that your voice is heard. Your support is vital for the charity and our future and will help us to achieve our goals set out in our strategic framework. All of the candidates campaign details and videos are available at Applicants for Trustee and Deputy President | Royal Life Saving Society UK ( RLSS UK ) We look forward to hearing your voice as you elect our new Trustees and Deputy President. If you are eligible to vote, you will be sent your voting login details via an email from [email protected] (please check your spam folder as it might get delivered there). Make sure you have your say before 13 October at 5pm. Results will be shared on Saturday 15 October at the RLSS UK AGM. This will take place 10am-11am at Coombe Abbey Hotel before the annual Honours ceremony. Remember, we have a one member one vote system, so every single vote really does matter!" Manage Cookie Preferences