Published: 10 December 2020

Giving care, support and compassion are things we often associate with other people, not ourselves. You need all of these things too!

We have prepared some tips that will help you switch off, keep on top of your wellbeing, and truly relax.

Be realistic in your achievements

One reason people work or volunteer over and above is that our expectations of ourselves are unrealistic. We can't fit three days of work into one, we can't listen to a 3-hour concert in 5 minutes or swim the channel in an hour. By accepting that things can be done tomorrow and you can't do it all today, you will feel able to enjoy your downtime and stop feeling guilty. 

Change your look

With lockdown, we may not be wearing our suits and formal workwear in our living rooms. But changing out of the clothes you have been working or volunteering in, helps our brain realise, the day is done! Even if you only put on some different socks, a change in your physical appearance helps us differentiate from the working day to our downtime. 

Have a routine

Do some exercise, take the dog for a walk, or jump straight into the shower. Having an end of work routine, again helps our brains realise that work has finished and it will help you stop thinking about the day's events. It also gives us structure, which during the pandemic and winter days is helpful for our wellbeing.

Keep work separate

If you have your work or other professional emails on your personal phone - this is a recipe for burnout. You will automatically check your phone and see work emails which will inevitably spark a thought and then you’re thinking about work again! Keep work and home life separate. This is especially important if you’re working from home. 

Think about your drink 

Having a drink after work is a regular, normal activity for people but alcohol affects our sleep, mood, and thinking. Which can lead us to feel tense, stressed, and less able to rationalise. Treat alcohol as a reward at the weekend so you can truly enjoy it because you want to, not because you feel stressed. It easy for a 5 pm wine o’clock to become a habit - which doesn’t help our overall wellbeing. 

Write a list

If you have jobs to do the following day and you're thinking about them, write them down as a ready to-do list for the next morning. This stops you from thinking and potentially dreaming about them! 


Thank you to Ellen Lapworth-Maisey for writing content