This has now become a policy and the current version can be found by clicking here.

Lots of our trainers and instructors are now delivering online training. Read Helen Clarke’s blog after she delivered a remote Safeguarding Course

Update Friday 14 May 2021 -  – Policy extended until 31 December 2021

Update Tuesday 9 February 2021 – Policy extended until 31 May 2021

Update Tuesday 5 January 2021 – Policy extended until 31 March 2021

Update Tuesday 3 November 2020 – Policy extended until 31 December 2020

Update Friday 25 September 2020 – Policy extended until 30 November 2020

Update Friday 11 September 2020 - Policy extended until 25 November 2020

Update Tuesday 23 June 2020 - Policy extended until end Sept 2020

Wednesday 16 June 2020

RLSS UK Guidance for Delivering Remote Training

RLSS UK is committed to supporting Trainer Assessors (TAs), Instructors, Tutors, and candidates throughout this period of uncertainty caused by COVID-19 (coronavirus). We know that many of you rely on being able to deliver training courses to support your livelihoods and that first aid and lifesaving skills are in need at this time.

In order to support you to continue to deliver training courses, we have created this policy with guidance that sets out the RLSS UK’s approach to ensuring high standards when delivering remote training. Training includes refresher training, ongoing training, or part of a training course. All RLSS UK and IQL UK qualifications and awards are covered by this policy and part of the training courses can be delivered remotely.

Remote delivery is providing teaching using an online web conference or webinar service tool. Examples include Skype for Business, Teams, Zoom, Adobe Connect, Webex. Only theory training can be delivered remotely such as:

Suitable training for remote delivery Not suitable for remote delivery

Pool theory

CPR theory

In-water theory

First Aid theory

Water safety theory

Practical CPR skills

Practical pool work

Practical First Aid skills

All existing requirements of the Guidance and Syllabus will apply unless stated otherwise in this Policy.

Planning a Course including Remote Training

TAs must plan their remote delivery just like any other session, but also ensure they have made time available to practise using the technology and are familiar with its functionality. Additional items of preparation for preparing remote delivery include:

  • Test the suitability of your internet connection with friends and colleagues prior to the session.
  • Ensure you know how to share your screen, mute candidate microphones as the Tutor, conduct polls/quizzes, link into any other technology for your activities.
  • Test the best and most secure way to play any course videos whilst online.
  • Make it fun and engaging.
  • Ensure you have a facility (phone/email) that if a learner has concerns, they can contact you privately outside the online chat log.
  • Take regular breaks (5 minutes every hour is recommended).
  • Create a clear, detailed course plan and add your planning to your lesson plan.

Course organisers should be clear with candidates that only theory training will be delivered, and practical training and a full assessment will be arranged at a future date. Candidates will need to complete the full course and assessment, prior to being deemed as competent or qualified.

If you organise a course and take payment from a candidate, you MUST ensure you deliver the full course and that candidates are supported throughout.

Additional training time may be required to overcome any delays introduced by remote learning. This is at the discretion of the TA. The ATC/P Internal Verifier should be made aware of any changes to the standard training plan and may require additional recordkeeping or checks to be in place. This is at the discretion of the Internal Verifier.

Identification Checks

Candidate identity checks must still take place. This can be achieved by displaying an appropriate identity document to the camera for inspection. Trainer Assessors should ensure they adopt a camera-on policy for everyone at all times during the session, except breaks.


TAs need to ensure that all candidates are present for the full session and participate throughout. TAs should detail the participation on the register for each candidate and the TA will confirm full attendance at the end of the course on the register.

TA: Candidate Ratios

The requirements set in the Guidance and Syllabus remain unchanged. TAs may consider reducing this for the first course using remote training, whilst they adjust to delivering remote training.


The course organiser will need to order candidate packs from RLSS UK Shop, these will be distributed to the course organiser/TA.

PDF manuals will be issued to the course organiser/TA who can distribute to the candidates once they have enrolled. The PDF manual can be used throughout the remote learning by the candidate to read, recap, and revise.

Physical manuals can be issued to the candidate when face-to-face learning takes place, in addition, the TA will keep the assessment forms and papers to use for the assessment.

Learning Checks

Throughout the remote training, as TAs do when teaching in a classroom, TAs will need to include regular learning checks to ensure the candidates are understanding and retaining the content. These could include quizzes, Q&A sessions, and worksheets they complete and submit back to the TA.

  • All platforms provide the facility for you to ask delegates questions directly to assess learning in a conventional way.
  • The Microsoft Office 365 Whiteboard Post-It note feature makes a good replacement for flashcard activities when prepared prior to the session by the tutor.
  • Mentimeter is a free service that provides a good replacement for conducting interactive ‘thought-cloud’ exercises or gathering feedback after candidate discussions online.
  • Sketch. ie can provide a good tool for marking ‘hazard spotting’ exercises or producing graphical flip charts online.

The Teaching Environment

TAs should prepare the environment around where they sit in the same professional way as you would prepare a classroom. The same level of professionalism applies to what you would ordinarily wear to deliver training, the language you use, what you share, and how you should ordinarily behave. TAs should be in a neutral area where nothing personal or inappropriate can be seen or heard in the background.

Delivering an online course to children and young people (under-18s)

It is best practice to obtain consent when teaching children under 18-years. Download our consent form which provides guidance to you as a trainer and to parents.

Face to Face Training

When you plan face-to-face training, to complete all practical and hands-on teaching, you will need to plan time to recap on the theory that you delivered remotely. This is to check candidates have retained the information and that they are ready for assessment.


TAs are not permitted to complete any formal assessment remotely; all assessments must take place face to face including all theory and practical assessments.

Other Considerations

Both TA and candidates taking part in remote learning must ensure internet speeds are acceptable in order to see and hear the learning taking place. If speeds are not acceptable and will disadvantage the learner, training must not continue or may be delayed to another date. It is recommended that the trainer conducts a short ‘technology and connection’ test with each learner in the days leading up to the course, to address any challenges and minimise disruption once the course begins.

First Aid Qualifications

A minimum of two-thirds of the training time should be face-to-face learning

 (e.g. EFAW 4 hours minimum face-to-face). 

For Paediatric First Aid, in line with DfE recommendations:

  • The Emergency Paediatric First Aid (6hr) course may only be delivered face-to-face.
  • A minimum of 6 hours of the full Paediatric First Aid (12 hr) course must be delivered face-to-face

For further guidance and support please email [email protected]

This Guidance and Policy is valid until 31 December 2021.