Low-Level Concern Form

A low-level concern is any concern, no matter how small, even if no more than causing a sense of unease or a ‘nagging doubt’ that a person involved in RLSS UK activities may have acted in a way that:

• is inconsistent with the Staff Code of Conduct, and
• does not meet the allegations threshold, or is otherwise not considered serious enough, to make a referral to the LADO or Local Authority.

Where a low-level concern has been identified, this must be reported as soon as possible to the Club or Branch Dedicated Safeguarding Lead in addition to completing this form.

• Where the Club or Branch Dedicated Safeguarding Lead is not available, the information will be reported to the RLSS UK HQ Designated Safeguarding Lead (or Deputy).
• Low-level concerns about the RLSS UK HQ Designated Safeguarding Lead or their Deputy will be reported to the Safeguarding Executive Lead. If the Safeguarding Executive Lead is not available such concerns will be reported to the Chair of the Safeguarding, Equality and Diversity Advisory Group. (providing this is not the Safeguarding Executive Officer or DSL).
• Low-level concerns about the Safeguarding Executive Lead will be reported to the RLSS UK CEO.

Once submitted, unless the concern raised is about an RLSS UK member of staff or volunteer, the form will be reviewed and sent on to the designated safeguarding lead of the Club or the ATC/P Co-ordinator of the Organisation where the concern has been raised. If the concern raised is about any of the people within these roles RLSS UK HQ will investigate this.