Craig brings a life-long passion for safety in and on water, along with expertise in professional services, to support the growth and strategic development of the society.

Since completing both the Bronze Medallion and Award of Merit in his early teens, Craig has pursued a wide range of water sports both individually and with his family, including surfing, windsurfing, scuba diving, sailing and kayaking. In the last decade he has also taken a shine to open water swimming, and has completed numerous swims including relay team crossings of Lake Geneva and from England to Belgium, and solo crossings including Lake Windermere and the English Channel.

Craig has over 30 years of commercial and leadership experience in professional service businesses ranging from start-ups to ‘Big 4’. Within a mid-sized firm, Craig has set up and built a team of over 70 in China with full commercial accountability, as well as serving on global committees for Governance, Audit, and Partnership.

As Partner in a ‘Big 4’ firm, Craig has led a business unit and been responsible for one of the firm’s top global accounts. 

Craig also serves as committee member in London’s Serpentine Swimming Club.

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