Updated 3 January 2023 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, RLSS UK has remained committed to supporting the industry, Operators, Trainers, Instructors, Clubs, and Training Centres.  We have created guidance by working with our expert advisors and partners and using information from various government groups and other organisations. 

The information below is to help and support you when delivering training and assessments of RLSS UK awards and qualifications.

Guidance for Training and Assessing  

  1. Ensure you comply with general Coronavirus government guidance based on your geographical location.

  2. Ensure the training venue has adequate ventilation (with the exception of the swimming pool hall) in line with HSE guidance.
  3. Ensure a risk assessment is in place and regularly reviewed - considering the changing prevalence of COVID-19 and continuing pandemic. 

  4. It is strongly advised that candidates attending training or assessment are encouraged to:
    - if available, take a lateral flow test 24 hours before attending a training course.
    - not attend if they have symptoms related to COVID-19 as described by the relevant Department for Health.  
    - consider wearing a face covering when undertaking close practical work, e.g., placing someone into the recovery position (*face covering must not be worn in the water when there is a risk of being submerged underwater for the wearer).
  1. Ensure maintenance of manikins (used for resuscitation) and control measures that prevent cross-contamination. Click here for CPR manikin cleaning and maintenance guidance during COVID-19.

  2. Candidate applications for training or assessment should include information about the risk of contracting COVID-19. Click here for sample additional information to be added to the Course or Assessment Enrolment Form(s).

  3. It is recommended that learners receive information on the actions that can be taken if a casualty has suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection, including the use of PPE and adaptations to CPR.

What this means to you

Any RLSS UK training course or assessment starting on or after 1 November 2022 MUST include the training, demonstration, and assessment of rescue breaths. If candidates are not willing to demonstrate rescue breaths, they will not be able to gain the qualification.

Useful links

Please note this is an ever-changing environment; while we hope more guidance will not be necessary, it remains important to follow the most up-to-date information - posted here. 

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at [email protected] or 0300 3230 096.