Click the links below for the answers to these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Internal Quality Assurance
Timed Swim
Reasonable Adjustments and candidates requiring additional support
Competency Test
Ongoing Training 

Internal Quality Assurance 

What is Internal Quality Assurance?

Why do I need to complete Internal Quality Assurance Checks?

Who can complete an Internal Quality Assurance Check?

How many Internal Quality Assurance checks should be completed?

Are there different types of Internal Quality Assurance checks I can complete?

What does Risk Rating a Trainer or Assessor mean?

What are the minimum requirements of a First Aid Trainer Assessor surrounding Internal Quality Assurance?

I am a First Aid TA and have lost access to my resources - what do I do?

Timed Swim

My pool doesn’t have a 20m stretch for the timed swims. How can I ensure this is completed correctly?

Reasonable Adjustments and candidates requiring additional support

What reasonable adjustments can I make as an ATC/P co-ordinator/ trainer?

A candidate has disclosed they have learning difficulties on their enrolment form. What should we do for them?

What should I do if the candidate does not have proof of a learning difficulty or support, they need in an assessment?

Competency Test 

Can a competency test be used as evidence of CPD hours?

Ongoing Training

I deliver ongoing training for my company but do not attend. Can these hours be counted towards my 20 hours of CPD needed for renewal?

For any other questions please contact the Compliance Team on [email protected]