There are several ways to pay for RLSS UK Industry Courses

  • Credit/Debit Card - cards accepted include; Visa and Mastercard. Call 0300 323 0096 and ask to speak to our Finance Department to make payment and arrange a receipt once booking confirmation for the course has been agreed.

  • Purchase Order - Please make purchase orders payable to RLSS UK Enterprises Ltd - remember to include the candidate's Society Number and name and the date of the course they are enrolling on to [email protected].

  • Invoice - please provide the company name and address to which you would like the invoice sent in the boxes on the booking form.

Please note;

  • It is essential to gain booking acceptance before making payment.
  • Payment in advance (PIA) - you must make payment in full before the course start date.
  • Processing payments is by RLSS UK - the charity that controls RLSS UK Enterprises Ltd.