Congratulations on completing your Lifeguard qualification with us here at RLSS UK. We are extremely proud of the work our Lifeguards do and we hope that you feel a sense of pride after completing the programme. As a thank you for your hard work and commitment to being a lifesaver, we are offering you at three month introductory membership.

Main benefits:

Access to CPD

Access to some Continued Professional Development (CPD)
Professional Insurance Cover

Professional Insurance Cover


  • Professional Indemnity and Public Liability cover
  • Personal injury insurance cover
  • Access to free legal and tax advice
Supporting the charity

Supporting the charity's mission to help everyone enjoy water safely
Access to our exclusive Lifeguard Member Facebook Group

Other benefits include:

  • Access to counselling should you be involved in an incident and need some support
  • Access to up-to-date news and information about the charity’s work
  • A digital copy of the RLSS UK Lifesavers magazine twice yearly
  • Access to the wider RLSS UK community (both in branches, clubs or online)
  • Membership of your local RLSS UK Branch
  • Access to Howden Benefits Platform

What our members say is the best thing about being an RLSS UK member:

“Insurance gives me peace of mind.”

“You’re covered by insurance which is good to know when you're lifeguarding. You can feel proud to be an RLSS UK member. You help the community.”

“Up to date information. Ongoing CPD e-learning, great for getting your hours towards renewing your lifeguard qualification.”

“The community is great, the chance to be involved is also great and what there is to offer. Also supporting the charity is also a great feeling.”

“The opportunity to aid with charity events and help make the waters a safer and more fun environment.”

94% are proud to be an RLSS UK Member

9 in 10 members

89% would recommend their RLSS UK membership to others

9 in 10 members

Source: 2022 Member Benefit Survey, Sample size (93)

Join now for just £17 for our annual membership.

Go to your RLSS UK Account (powered by tahdah)

Purchase Lifeguard Membership

Lifeguard Members do not have as part of their benefit package a vote in RLSS UK elections, as decided by the RLSS UK Trustee Board in 2018.