Water Safety Advice For You Local Water Safety Plans A practical guide to setting up a Water Safety Action Group and designing a local Water Safety Plan. Tragically, each year around 700 people drown in the UK and Ireland. Additionally, about 2,100 people in England alone, are admitted to Accident and Emergency annually, as a result of non-fatal, or ‘near drowning’ incidents, with thousands more incidences occurring in Wales and Scotland. This guide is designed to help local communities with their response to such an incident. RLSS UK has a history of supporting the development of community groups and then empowering them to create an evidenced-based plan, that targets the heart of their local drowning issue. The guide starts by taking the Water Safety Action Group (WSAG) on a journey, to explore and understand their drowning issues and concerns. The next steps look to design and deliver their own Water Safety Plan (WSP). The WSAG benefits from the guide’s use of pre-established case studies, programmes and templates which in turn, benefit the Water Safety Action Group by contextualising their opportunities and adopting established, best practice. We hope to encourage more people to take on this challenge, ultimately contributing to a UK and Ireland-wide reduction in drowning of 50% by 2026, as outlined as a strategic aim of the National Water Safety Forum’s (NWSF). If you would like further information contact [email protected] Guide to setting up a Water Safety Action Group Manage Cookie Preferences