Published 21 December 2017

The end of a year is always a time for reflection and 2017 has been an amazing year for RLSS UK. A year when our drowning prevention messages have reached even more people, particularly through our recent Don’t Drink and Drown campaign which actually trended on Twitter!

I am lucky to have an amazing professional team who know everything there is to know about water safety and drowning prevention. More importantly, they have the ability and skills to package that knowledge to make it relevant and accessible to those most at risk. 2017 has also seen us enter new markets, using our knowledge to respond to bespoke requests for advice and training.

IQL UK, our professional trading arm, continues to grow, with our National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) retaining its status as the lead industry standard for the UK and Ireland.  We pride ourselves on these achievements and have ambitious plans for 2018 and beyond –  to maintain our position in the marketplace and deliver the leisure industry the best training, qualifications and products.

Finally, a word about our partners who have supported us in delivering our drowning prevention messages; I would like to say a huge thank you for their support in 2017 and look forward to more collaboration in 2018.