This document sets out RLSS UK’s Policy for lapsed Instructors, TAs, Mentors NTA’s and Tutors. For ease Mentors and NTA’s will be referred to as TAs throughout this policy.

1. Training and Assessing when not in membership or updateas required. 

Where an Instructor, TA or Tutor with lapsed membership or who has failed to update has undertaken training or assessing activity the Instructor, TA or Tutor is deemed to be wholly responsible for the cost of any awards or qualifications that are re-assessed and processed on their behalf. 

Instructors, TAs or Tutors undertaking training or assessing activity whilst not in membership or without the minimum prerequisite standards will be subject to the current disciplinary and grievance procedure before reinstatement can be confirmed. 

2. Membership 

Where an RLSS UK Instructor, TA, or Tutor has lapsed membership and wishes to reinstate their status, there is no requirement for collecting back-dated membership fees unless they have been active in any RLSS UK activity requiring 'current' status.  

The lapsed member will receive 12 months of membership from the time of re-affiliation. 

3. CPD/Updates 

Instructors, TAs, or Tutors are required to complete mandatory updates when they become available from RLSS UK.  

When a mandatory update is launched there will be a clear deadline that this will need to be completed by.  

Where an Instructor, TA, or Tutor has missed a mandatory update, they will be no longer qualified to deliver or assess the qualification or award that the update was intended for.  

A TA or Tutor can request access to the mandatory update up to two years after the deadline date for completion. They will need to pay any costs associated with the update before gaining access. 

After a period of 2 years (from the deadline for completing a mandatory update), to regain their status a TA or Tutor must follow the processes as outlined within the flow charts below. 

An instructor can request access to the mandatory update up to five years after the deadline date for completion. They will need to pay any costs associated with the update before gaining access. 

After a period of 5 years (from the deadline for completing a mandatory update), to regain their status an Instructor must follow the processes as outlined within the flow charts below. 

Lapsed NPLQ, NVBLQ, OWL, NRASTC and NWSMP TA Flow Chart  

Flow chart detailing the options if a First Aid TA status has lapsed. Contact customer services on 0300 323 0096 for help.

Lapsed First Aid TA Flow Chart 

Lapsed Instructor Flow Chart 

Flow chart detailing the options if your Instructor status has lapsed. Contact customer services on 0300 323 0096 for help