When arranging an assessment, the responsibility for the provision of casualties rests with the Trainer. Candidate and casualty should be similar in age, size, weight, and gender for all tests, with the possible exception of the initiative test or incident. 

It’s important to note that the definition of a child/young person is someone under the age of 18. Careful consideration and oversight are imperative when there is a situation where a child/young person is paired with an adult. Consent should always be sought from those involved.

There may be instances where it may not be possible to pair a candidate and a casualty who are of a similar age and same gender. If this is the case, consent from both parties should be sought before continuing with the training or assessment. Candidates or casualties should not be put under pressure to give their consent. In a training situation where consent is not given the use of a submersible manikin or Ruth Lee manikin could be used to help deliver the training. In an assessment situation, the use of a 'live' casualty is important. In this instance, if consent is not given, the assessment may need to be delayed until an appropriate casualty can be used. 

Casualties must be briefed by the Assessor on any action required during the test, prior to its commencement. Assessors must consider the above information when pairing candidates and casualties whilst undertaking rescue, resuscitation, and first aid skills.

An Assessor must be satisfied that a candidate is competent in all aspects of the skills and knowledge required in any award or qualification syllabus. Casualties must not assist a candidate in any way other than by complying with instructions. Collusion is not to be confused with communication between a candidate and a casualty for carrying out a rescue.

The casualty is not usually permitted to give the candidate any assistance beyond carrying out instructions given verbally by the candidate. During swimming and towing rescues, including timed tests, any assistance by the casualty such as kicking their legs thereby potentially making the candidate’s physical test easier is not permitted. Collusion between a candidate and a casualty may result in the failure of the candidate. Nothing must be done by the casualty to aid propulsion in any way.

RLSS UK does not support the use, during either training or assessment, of single-person, unassisted lifting.