FREE, downloadable campaign videos to share with your community

Water Safety Code Animation

The animation walks through the water safety code which is the fundamental spine of all water safety education. It is designed to provide simple and easy to remember information that acts as both a proactive measure to help educate people to make early, critical decisions, and also to help people understand what they should do in an emergency.

Water Safety Code Animation - Download 

Drowning Prevention Week Animation

The animation tells the story of a young girl who is missing out from having fun in the water as she doesn’t feel confident - up steps an RLSS UK Lifeguard who tells her all about her local Lifesaving club. She soon becomes a Rookie Lifeguard – watch to find out more!

DPW Animation - Download

For Joe and Sunnah

In this emotional and inspiring interview, the courageous mothers of Sunnah Khan and Joe Abbess sit down to talk about their two children who tragically drowned off Bournemouth beach in a rip current. 

Both mothers share their heart-wrenching stories, shedding light on the devastating impact of losing their beloved children. Their bravery and determination to prevent future tragedies have led them to campaign with RLSS UK for better water safety education for children.

For Joe and Sunnah - Download

Teya's Story

Teya’s story is not a one-off. Young People speak up. Drowning is preventable. Even one drowning is one too many. 

Teya's Story (Short) - Download

Teya's Story (Full) - Download

Give Drowning the Boot

Vicki and Fiona are united by one aim: to encourage parents to teach their children how to stay safe and enjoy water safely.  Please help us to prevent other families from having a tragic story to tell.

Give Drowning the Boot (Short) - Download

Give Drowning the Boot (Full) - Download

Filling Up

This video was created from real life events and is designed to highlight risk taking behaviour of young men. Focusing on the impact and devastation of not making the correct decisions whilst enjoying the water.

Filling Up - Download

Frank Saves a Life

Frank heroically saved a young girl when on holiday. As part of Drowning Prevention Week, he give us his top tip - encouraging everyone to learn basic lifesaving skills and learn how to swim.

Frank Saves a Life - Download 

Basic lifesaving skills, save lives

In March 2021, Gradley Dawson was out with his dog when he spotted somebody in the water. Having been trained by an RLSS UK Lifesaving Club, many years before, he was able to remember his training and save a life.

Change the narrative to enjoy a lifetime of fun in the water

Donna Akodu - worship leader and songwriter, shares her swimming journey. From shying away from the water to now describing swimming as a fun part of her life. Donna explains how there is need to normalise swimming in her community to ensure that learning to swim and learning water safety skills will flow through to the next generation.

Change the narrative to enjoy a lifetime of fun in the water - Download

Lifeguard Tips

Tips on how to enjoy the water safely right from the horse's mouth. Lifeguards understand the water better than any of us, amazing advice that could save lives