Lifeguards save footballer’s life In April 2023 Richard Green and Dale King, RLSS UK qualified lifeguards, were on duty at Hutton Moor Leisure Centre, when 78 year old Lewis Ford was playing walking football when he collapsed. The receptionist at the leisure centre was instructed to call a first aider and Richard, who is also a newly qualified RLSS UK Trainer Assessor (TA), made his way to the 3G pitch with fellow lifeguard Dale. Upon arrival they saw Lewis was in the recovery position and the emergency services had been called. As Lewis was turned over, Richard noticed that he had an agonal gasp, so immediately Richard began performing CPR as Dale prepared the defib. After two rounds of CPR, Richard and Dale delivered a shock to Lewis, the paramedics then arrived and took over. Shortly after, the critical care team arrived and took over. Lewis was stable enough to be taken to Bristol Royal Infirmary by ambulance where he was put into an induced coma for three days. Thankfully Lewis has made a good recovery after staying in hospital for number of weeks. Richard and Dale received Certificates of Meritorious Action for Lifeguards from RLSS UK to acknowledge their quick thinking and life saving actions. Become a Lifeguard Manage Cookie Preferences