Finance, Business Systems & Human Resources

Click the image below to download the organisational chart 

(M) Maternity (V) Vacant (PT) Part-Time (C) Contract


Click the image below to download the organisational chart 

(M) Maternity (V) Vacant (PT) Part-Time (C) Contract

Charity & Compliance

Click the image below to download the organisational chart 

(M) Maternity (V) Vacant (PT) Part-Time (C) Contract

Key Email Contact Details:

Charity Contacts: 

Clubs  [email protected]
Branches  [email protected]
Safeguarding [email protected]
Marketing and Press  [email protected]
Sporting Competition queries (e.g. Speeds, Nationals)

[email protected]


[email protected]   

Commercial Contacts: 

Shop purchases and queries [email protected]
Customer Services (general inquiries)

[email protected]

Technical qualification/award queries [email protected]
Consultancy, sales, and advice  [email protected]
Training [email protected]

Finance Contacts: 

All Finance queries [email protected]