Emergency out-of-hours safeguarding issues

RLSS UK is committed to ensuring everyone engaged in its activities are kept safe from harm.

All reports or enquiries concerning the welfare of a child or adult at risk must go straight to the
Club Welfare Officer or Branch Safeguarding Officer in your local Club or Branch as a first port of call.

If unavailable for out-of-hours support contact 0300 3230 096 option 0.

If a child or an adult at risk is in immediate danger, DO NOT DELAY, call the Police on 999.

Emergency out-of-hours media enquiries

Visit our media enquiries page.

Out-of-hours customer service enquiries

Customer Services is open 9-5 pm Monday to Friday. For out-of-hours enquiries please email [email protected].

Out-of-hours RLSS UK Account (powered by tahdah) enquiries

For support with using your RLSS UK Account, access our RLSS UK Help Centre – a self-service online help centre for 24/7 customer service. Just start typing a question to search our FAQs and how-to guides.