Your commitment to becoming a Water Smart School

Whether aspiring to reach bronze, silver or gold status, the programme essentials below is the basic commitment required for a school to achieve the benefits and objectives of a Water Smart School.

View Bronze, Silver and Gold Requirements

Whole School Approach

A commitment to ensure every child is involved

Longevity and Sustainability

Commitment by the school to administer the programme in a sustainable manner following accreditation

Reaching beyond the School

Commitment to take the knowledge beyond the school walls, into homes and the local community

Water Safety Lessons

Deliver water safety lessons as a minimum, in line with stated objectives. All lessons are fully flexible and adaptable to suit the needs of the school.

Monitor Progress

Pre and post levels of knowledge and understanding recorded using the quiz / online questionnaire provided.

Field Trip

Either teacher-driven at a local body of water, or to a partner organisation to give context to the educational experience

First Aid Education

At Primary level, this may simply be knowing who to call in an emergency and knowing what to say

Ready to commit?

Once you've read the information provided on these pages and are ready to commit to taking part (whether now, or at a set time in the future), please complete the form linked below to register your school.

Register your School