Sian Richardson talked about HOW WE CAN BEST SUPPORT THE GROWTH OF OPEN WATER SWIMMING - BLUETITS on Saturday 24 June at the RLSS UK Conference 2023.

Sian Richardson

I am Sian Richardson, founder of The Bluetits Chill Swimmers, a community of open-water swimmers from all over the world. I was born and raised in St Davids, Pembrokeshire, Wales, and grew up with a love for the sea. 

After deciding to train for an Ice Mile in 2014 I began to swim in the sea in a swimsuit throughout the year. 

Over the three years it took me to train for this event many people joined me and The Bluetits Chill Swimmers took flight. 

The community has grown to become one of the largest and most active swimming groups in the UK, with thousands of members across the country and abroad. 

Sian is known for her inspiring leadership and style and her commitment to empowering women in the sport of swimming and dipping in open water.

In addition to her work with The Bluetits Chill Swimmer, sian is also a prominent advocate for mental health awareness and has used her platform to raise awareness about the benefits of cold water immersion for mental well-being. 

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