Published 1 September 2015

The Resuscitation Council (UK) and the European Resuscitation Council will be publishing new resuscitation guidelines on 15 October 2015 following the review of resuscitation science by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR).

Changes in the guidelines will be based on the available science and aimed at simplifying clinical practice, enhancing education, and improving outcomes.

As key CPR and first aid awarding bodies, RLSS UK and IQL UK have been working hard to create a plan of work that will need to be completed once the guidelines are published in October. We aim to create amendments to resources and create any new artwork and images or film throughout the latter part of 2015 to ensure our qualifications remain leading and up to date.

The publication of new guidelines does not necessarily imply that current guidelines are either unsafe or ineffective. A review by The Resuscitation Council (UK) and the European Resuscitation takes place every five years as standard.

All of our trainers will be able to update to the new CPR guidelines in the first half of the year to ensure RLSS UK and IQL UK qualifications and awards are as up to date as possible.

Further information about the changes to the CPR guidelines can be found on the Resuscitation Council UK website at: