Ruth Lee Ltd renews Water Safety Partnership with RLSS UK The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) is pleased to announce that Ruth Lee Ltd., a world-leading and award-winning provider of life-like manikins and training aids, has continued its RLSS UK Water Safety Partnership for another year. Sarah Hampson, Global Marketing Manager, commented, "This year, our Pool Rescue Manikin, developed with assistance from the team at RLSS UK, has won the prestigious King's Award for Enterprise: Innovation, and so, of course, we are proud to continue our relationship as RLSS UK Water Safety Partners. Ruth Lee Ltd. is committed to making manikins that deliver the most effective training, build confidence and skill, and ensure that lifeguards are truly rescue-ready when a genuine emergency occurs." Nick Grazier, RLSS UK's Senior Head of Commercial, added: "We are delighted that Ruth Lee Ltd has retained its RLSS UK Water Safety Partnership. Our water safety partners are instrumental in ensuring we provide our members, qualification holders and the Leisure industry with the most innovative water safety products. We have a great relationship with Ruth Lee, and their Pool Rescue Manikin provides a realistic experience for our trainees, allowing them to practice various techniques without switching between different equipment or live volunteers, ultimately leading to greater confidence when carrying out a real rescue." RLSS UK endorses the Ruth Lee Pool Rescue Manikin for use within some of its qualification assessments, including its National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ), National Rescue Award for Swimming Teachers and Coaches (NRASTC), and Swimming Pool Emergency Rescue Award. Candidates use the Ruth Lee Pool Rescue Manikin to demonstrate deep water recovery and other skills. Ruth Lee Limited View our other RLSS UK Water Safety Partners Become an RLSS UK Water Safety Partner Manage Cookie Preferences